Credit Report
Credit cleanliness is an important aspect of one’s professional life. Credit checks are done to bring to light
the financial misconduct of an employee. The employee harboring such a mindset will pose a serious threat
to company’s reputation and forces it to reconsider its decision on hiring him/her. If such checks are
forgone, company’s image will be in jeopardy and company’s finances would not be safe and trusted hands.
Since such individuals are more likely to creep in, a report is sought from the bank, credit rating agencies etc.
The report from the above stated bodies gets in to the nitty-gritty of
If any of the above misdeeds are smelt, the agency will seek the report from the concerned authorities of
banks and financial organizations .Such employees can never be the custodians of the company’s financial
How it’s done:
The bank or the concerned financial organization will be approached or sought a report from, whenever the
need arose. The details of the transaction history are visited and are verified for the cleanliness.